ben miller

Decimal Point Wonders of the World: Essay as Collage


ben miller

Ben Miller is the author of the recently released Pandemonium Logs: Sioux Falls, South Dakota 2020-2022 (Raritan Skiff Books, an imprint of Rutgers University Press) and River Bend Chronicle: The Junkification of a Boyhood Idyll Amid the Curious Glory of Urban Iowa (Lookout Books). His work has been anthologized in Best American Essays and Best American Experimental Writing. Each segment in the Decimal Point Wonders series is crafted by hand. Content is drawn from notes about small experiences and visions that awakened consciousness in a big way, countering the numbing technological onslaught of our era. The visual intensity asks the reader to slow down and open up to the physicality of reading, as opposed to gliding over the predictability of texts tattooing a screen. The series counts as an opportunity to experiment with many expressive materials and the fresh infinite depth of a blank page.