Volume 9
Alex Behm - The Cassas Girls
Max Kruger-Dull - Gina
Margaret Hayertz - Minimal Contact Hug
Frank Jamison - Naked Chase Ends in Arrest
Ari Koontz - Bloom
Molly Montgomery - The Year of the Monkey
Sarah Harley - The Things We Neglect
Troy Pancake - On Miami Beach
Francesca Spiegel - This is California, too
Kaitie St. Jean - A Secret Coven
Xu Xi - City Notes with iPhone
Joanna Hope Bricher - Poem to be read by candlelight / Conwy
Beth Gylys - Renovations After My Mother-In-Law’s Funeral / Corn Dogs and Mysteries of Ashtabula
Sharon Kennedy-Nolle - “Invasive species
Samir Knego - Three Things
Josie Kochendorfer - My Favorite Roses at Washington Park, Portland, Oregon
Jacqueline Morgan - Words By Which I’m Known
Vicki Nyman - Job Abridged
Brendan Rowland - Mahwah
John Sweet - in the nowhere age, still / not an apology, but a muttered threat
Miles Varana - Waukegan / Grace
Featured Throwback
PH Ditchfield - Books Fatal to their Authors, AC Armstrong and Son, New York, 1895
Featured Young Writers (Artists 18 and Under)
Avah Dodson - Traffic (Fiction)
Christiania Zidor - I Grieve (Non-fiction)
Michael Betancourt - typoetry
SE Harsha - photographs
Mark Hurtubise - photographs
Sherry Shahan - “Reflections” - photographs
yannick-robin eike mirko - I’d Rather be in Space
To view individual pieces, select from the list above.
It’s always better in print.
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