ivan de monbrison
Лето прошло, снаружи только трупы,
внутри я не могу думать,
из-за шума
моей мечты,
их странные голоса,
из-за памяти о моей смерти.
English translation by the author:
The summer gone, just dead bodies outside.
Inside I can’t think
because of the noise
of my dreams,
their strange voices,
because of the memory of my death.
ivan de monbrison
Ivan de Monbrison is a poet, writer and artist living in Paris, born in 1969.
He has studied oriental languages there after high school, not with great success.
Ivan has autistic and schizophrenic tendencies that he has been trying to cope with through art in the past twenty years of his life.
His writing and art reflect maybe also the feeling of the decadence of today's society, centered on its own vacuity and its lack of real purpose.
He has been published in literary magazines globally.