Joseph goosey
Memoirs Containing The Words "A Life" In Their Title
are so cruel to their subjects
& usually to their readers.
They toss subjects off
like prison sentences
& assume readers
are total dolts.
There's got to be somewhere
other than here to go
is a sentence overheard
in this country bar
in which I formerly felt comfy
picking up neo-goth twinks
for only one night
but would now rather not
be spending my money & also
a life.
What Does Exceptional Customer Service Mean To You?
to disappear to Tijuana
leaving my Hyundai Kona
parked by the Golden Gate Bridge with a note
reading if you get this reference
you might not know
where to find the body
but I know you know
what it's all about.
joseph goosey
Joseph Goosey lives in North Carolina. Recent poems have shown up in Peach Mag, Annulet Poetics Journal, The Glacier, and Banshee. He is the author of the chapbook, STUPID ACHE (Greybook Press, 2013) and one full length collection, Parade Of Malfeasance (EMP Books, 2020).