paula harris
The Reverse Law of Rebuilding a Relationship
Maybe if I change enough laws and conventions that keep the earth turning,
we can be us again.
I change the development of Arabic numerals
so that 3+3=1.
I make “hello” mean “yes”
and “goodbye” mean “I’m sorry”.
I move penguins to the North Pole
and polar bears to the South Pole.
I convince fruit to turn to flowers
to turn to buds to turn to possibilities.
I rewrite history so that the Vikings won at Stamford Bridge
and we speak Norse (even though you and I aren’t speaking).
I make dirt white, water pink
and grass grey.
I tear up the Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics,
throwing it out the window so that it can fall up to the sky.
Gravity is pointless
and no one really cares about thermodynamics anyway.
how to die in 206 days
do not forgive your enemies. watch your favourite
movies. write letters to the people you want to say
goodbye to. have great sex as much as you can. watch
every sunset. watch every unusual cloud formation. create
more unusual cloud formations yourself. kiss your
lover repeatedly. kiss anyone you want to kiss (if they
consent). sort through the files in your office and get rid
of those no one else will need. have everything your
accountant needs organised and clearly labelled. dance
whenever you hear a song that you want to
dance to. check the regulations on disposal of
cremains. put fertiliser around the drip line of the
trees. try to write every poem you have left in you. flirt
outrageously. watch silly shows that make you laugh.
create labelled stacks of books and artworks and
those things that make you light inside, and which
you want others to have. wash the dishes. remove
yourself from all mailing lists. put out the
recycling. breathe.
paula harris
Paula Harris lives in Aotearoa/New Zealand, where she writes and sleeps in a lot, because that's what depression makes you do. She won the 2018 Janet B. McCabe Poetry Prize and the 2017 Lilian Ida Smith Award. Her writing has been published in various journals, including Hobart, Berfrois, New Ohio Review, SWWIM, Diode and Aotearotica. She is extremely fond of dark chocolate, shoes and hoarding fabric. website: | Twitter: @paulaoffkilter | Instagram: @paulaharris_poet | Facebook: @paulaharrispoet